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- /*
- Performancing for Firefox Skin and Addon code
- */
- var gGlobalPerFormancingAddons = []; //For testing only
- var gPFFLastStyleSheetURL = ""; //Last style sheet url
- var gPFFAddonList = []; //List of addons for PFF
- var pffAddonSkin = new Object();
- pffAddonSkin = {
- LastStyleSheetURL: "",
- AddonList: [],
- loadedAddonList: false
- //SkinList: [],
- //loadedSkinList: false
- }
- /**************************************************************
- ********************* Skin Functions **************************
- ***************************************************************/
- pffAddonSkin.onSkinListClick = function(anElement, AEvent, itemNum){
- if(AEvent.button == 0){ //if left-click
- //var temp = document.getElementById("performancing-skin-list");
- var elementIDName2 = "li-s-" + itemNum;
- var temp3 = document.getElementById(elementIDName2);
- var theDesc = temp3.getAttribute('tooltiptext');
- var descBox = document.getElementById("performancing-skin-desc");
- descBox.value = theDesc;
- document.getElementById("performancing-skin-desc-label").hidden = false;
- descBox.hidden = false;
- }else{ //if other click
- //openWindowIn( true, decodeURI(event.originalTarget.getAttribute('tooltiptext')) );
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.appendStyleSheetToEditor = function(aDoc, aSkinURI) {
- try{
- var theStylesheet = aDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "link");
- theStylesheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
- theStylesheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- theStylesheet.setAttribute("href", aSkinURI);
- var theHeaders = aDoc.getElementsByTagName('head');
- theHeaders[theHeaders.length -1].appendChild(theStylesheet);
- }catch(e){}
- }
- pffAddonSkin.appendStyleSheetToPFF = function(aDoc, aSkinURI, aLdDef) {
- var numSS = document.styleSheets.length;
- var foundMatch = false;
- for(var i=0; i< numSS; i++){
- var theHREF = document.styleSheets[i].href;
- if(this.LastStyleSheetURL == theHREF){
- document.styleSheets[i].disabled = true;
- }
- if(theHREF == aSkinURI){
- document.styleSheets[i].disabled = false;
- foundMatch = true;
- }else if(theHREF == "chrome://performancing/skin/overlay.css"){
- if(aLdDef == "false"){
- document.styleSheets[i].disabled = true;
- }else{
- document.styleSheets[i].disabled = false;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!foundMatch){
- var pi = aDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet",
- "href=\"" + aSkinURI + "\" type=\"text/css\"");
- aDoc.insertBefore(pi, aDoc.lastChild);
- }
- //alert("foundMatch: " + foundMatch + "\naSkinURI: " + aSkinURI + "\nthis.LastStyleSheetURL: " + this.LastStyleSheetURL);
- this.LastStyleSheetURL = aSkinURI;
- //document.styleSheets[2].disabled = true
- }
- pffAddonSkin.setSkinCSS = function(aSkinURI, aLdDef) {
- var theEditor = performancingUI.getRichEditorWindow();
- var theEditorPreview = performancingUI.getPreviewWindow();
- pffAddonSkin.appendStyleSheetToPFF(document, aSkinURI, aLdDef);
- pffAddonSkin.appendStyleSheetToEditor(theEditor.document, aSkinURI);
- //pffAddonSkin.appendStyleSheetToEditor(theEditorPreview.document, aSkinURI);
- }
- //Load the last saved Skin
- pffAddonSkin.loadLastSkin = function() {
- var theLastSkinURI = null;
- var theLastSkinLoadDefault = null;
- try{
- theLastSkinURI = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.skinuri");
- theLastSkinLoadDefault = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.lddef");
- }catch(e){}
- if(theLastSkinURI != ""){
- var theURI = this.getSkinURI(theLastSkinURI);
- if(theURI != null && theURI != "chrome://performancing/skin/overlay.css" && theURI != ""){
- pffAddonSkin.setSkinCSS(theURI, theLastSkinLoadDefault);
- }
- }
- }
- //Get a full Skin path from file name
- pffAddonSkin.getSkinURI = function(aSkinSRCLeaf) {
- var theSkinSRC = "";
- if( aSkinSRCLeaf == "_default_"){
- theSkinSRC = "chrome://performancing/skin/overlay.css";
- }else{
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD");
- file.append("performancing");
- file.append("skins");
- file.append(aSkinSRCLeaf);
- theSkinSRC = file.path;
- theSkinSRC = theSkinSRC.toString().replace(/\\/g,"/");
- theSkinSRC = encodeURI(theSkinSRC);
- theSkinSRC = "file:///" +theSkinSRC; //Works on Linux and Mac?
- }
- return theSkinSRC;
- }
- //Loads the selected Skin file
- pffAddonSkin.enableSelectedSkin = function() {
- var theList = document.getElementById("performancing-skin-list");
- var aElement = theList.selectedItem;
- var theSkinSRCLeaf = aElement.getAttribute("src");
- var theSkinLdDef = aElement.getAttribute("lddef");
- var theSkinSRC = "";
- theSkinSRC = this.getSkinURI(theSkinSRCLeaf);
- //alert("theSkinSRC: " + theSkinSRC + " \n\ntheSkinSRCLeaf: " + theSkinSRCLeaf);
- if(theSkinSRC == ""){
- //alert("Couldn't find CSS file");
- }else{
- pffAddonSkin.setSkinCSS(theSkinSRC, theSkinLdDef);
- //Set pref
- gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setCharPref("settings.lastselected.skinuri", theSkinSRCLeaf);
- gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setCharPref("settings.lastselected.lddef", theSkinLdDef);
- //Make sure the other elements are not enabled
- var theParent = aElement.parentNode;
- for(var i=0; i < theParent.childNodes.length; i++){
- if(theParent.childNodes[i].localName == "listitem"){
- theParent.childNodes[i].setAttribute("enabled", false);
- }
- }
- //Enable current selection
- aElement.setAttribute("enabled", "true");
- //var errorStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('skin.restartfx', []);//skin.restartfx
- //alert(errorStr);
- }
- }
- //Add a Skin file
- pffAddonSkin.addASkinFile = function() {
- //Load File Picker
- var theFile = this.filePicker();
- if(theFile.leafName.match(".css")){
- this.handleTheFile( theFile );
- }else if(theFile.leafName.match(".zip")){
- this.handleSkinZip(theFile);
- }
- }
- //Once we have an nsIFIle, play with it here.
- pffAddonSkin.handleTheFile = function(aFile) {
- //Let's make sure it's a good file before we copy it.
- var isGood = this.processSkinFile(aFile);
- if(isGood[0] == true){
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD");
- file.append("performancing");
- file.append("skins");
- //var myDir = file.clone();
- file.append(aFile.leafName);
- var alreadyExists = false;
- if(file.exists()){
- alreadyExists = true;
- }
- //Let's always overwrite it so user has the latest
- var theoldFile = PerFormancingFileIO.open(aFile.path);
- var theOldContent = PerFormancingFileIO.read(theoldFile, "UTF-8");
- PerFormancingFileIO.create(file);
- var isSaved = this.saveContentsToFile( file, theOldContent );
- if(isSaved){
- //Good, now add the file and save it
- var filePath = file.leafName;
- this.addSkinToXMLAndList( isGood, filePath );
- }
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.addSkinToXMLAndList = function(aSkinDesc, fileName) {
- var theList = document.getElementById("performancing-skin-list");
- var theNumber = theList.getRowCount() + 1;
- var wasOverwritten = this.saveXMLFile("skin", aSkinDesc[3], aSkinDesc[2], aSkinDesc[1], aSkinDesc[5], fileName, false );
- if(wasOverwritten == null){
- //Error writing to file
- }else if(!wasOverwritten){
- this.loadSkinAddonList("skin", "performancing-skin-list", theNumber, aSkinDesc[3], aSkinDesc[2], aSkinDesc[1], fileName, false, aSkinDesc[5] );
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.processSkinFile = function(aFile) {
- var theFileContent = PerFormancingFileIO.read(aFile, "UTF-8");
- var theType = "";
- var theAuthor = "";
- var theName = "";
- var theDesc = "";
- var theDef = "";
- var thePFFVer = "";
- var noError = true;
- try{
- theType = /(?:@type:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- theAuthor = /(?:@author:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- theName = /(?:@name:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- theDesc = /(?:@desc:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- theDef = /(?:@lddef:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- thePFFVer = /(?:@pffver:[\s^\n^\f^\r]*)(.*)(?:[\n\f\r])/i.exec(theFileContent);
- theAuthor = theAuthor[1];
- theName = theName[1];
- theDesc = theDesc[1];
- theType = theType[1];
- theDef = theDef[1];
- thePFFVer = thePFFVer[1];
- }catch(e){
- noError = false;
- var errorStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('validskinfilenotfound', []);//skin.restartfx
- alert(errorStr + "\n" + e);
- }
- //alert("theType: " + theType + "\ntheAuthor: " + theAuthor + "\ntheName: " + theName + "\ntheDesc: " + theDesc + "\ntheDefault: " + theDef );
- theFileContent = null;
- if(noError && theType == "PFF Skin"){
- return [true, theAuthor, theName, theDesc, theType, theDef, thePFFVer ];
- }else{
- return [false]; //Bad file, so return false
- }
- return [false];
- }
- pffAddonSkin.deleteASkinFile = function() {
- //Delete File from the UI list
- var theList = document.getElementById("performancing-skin-list");
- var theElement = theList.selectedItem;
- var theElemIndex = theList.selectedIndex;
- var theSkinSRCLeaf = theElement.getAttribute("src");
- if( theSkinSRCLeaf == "_default_"){
- //Down't allow to delete!!!
- }else{
- //Delete from XML file
- var didDelete = this.deleteItemFromXML(theSkinSRCLeaf);
- //Delete the file
- var didFDelete = this.deleteFile(theSkinSRCLeaf);
- try{
- didDirDelete = this.deleteDir(theSkinSRCLeaf);
- }catch(e){}
- //Delete from list
- theList.removeItemAt(theElemIndex);
- }
- }
- // Handle Zip files that contain a valid PFF Skin
- // Conditions: Zip must contain the _skin_name_.css file in the parent dir
- // All files needed (images, etc.) should be in a directory called _skin_name_
- // The _skin_file_name_ dir can be multiple levels deep
- // Example Structure:
- // myskin.zip
- // \myskin.css
- // \myskin\image.png
- // \myskin\*.*
- //
- pffAddonSkin.handleSkinZip = function(zipFile){
- gPerformancingUtil.printLog("Start Skin Zip Functions!");
- var zipReader = pffAddonSkin.getZipReaderForFile(zipFile);
- zipReader.test(null);
- try{
- var entries = zipReader.findEntries("*.css");
- var entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- //Extract to temp dir and process
- var theCSSFileName = entry.name;
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("TmpD"); //Get's systems temp dir
- file.append(entry.name);
- zipReader.extract(entry.name, file);
- //Now test the css
- var isValidCSS = this.processSkinFile(file);
- //What ever, delete the temp file, be nice to users temp folder ;)
- PerFormancingFileIO.unlink(file);
- var isRightVersion = (gPerformancingVersion.match(/(\d\.\d)/)[0] - isValidCSS[6].match(/(\d\.\d)/)[0] >=0 );
- //If it's valid, extract all files in
- if(isValidCSS[0] == true && isRightVersion){
- var theDir = pffAddonSkin.getSkinAddonDir(entry.name);
- entries = zipReader.findEntries("*");
- while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
- entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry);
- var parts = entry.name.split("/");
- var fileName = parts[parts.length-1];
- if (fileName != "") {
- var theFileToAdd = theDir.clone();
- for(var i=0; i< parts.length -1; i++){ //List all dirs
- theFileToAdd.append(parts[i]);
- PerFormancingDirIO.create(theFileToAdd); //create the dir
- }
- theFileToAdd.append(fileName); //Add the leaf to path
- zipReader.extract(entry.name, theFileToAdd); //Now extract the file
- }
- }
- this.addSkinToXMLAndList( isValidCSS, theCSSFileName );
- }else{
- var errorStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('validskinfilenotfound', []);//skin.restartfx
- alert(errorStr);
- }
- }catch(e){}
- //Always close the reader
- zipReader.close();
- }
- /**************************************************************
- ********************* Addon Functions *************************
- ***************************************************************/
- pffAddonSkin.onAddonListClick = function(event, itemNum){
- if(event.button == 0){ //if left-click
- //li-check-i-1
- var temp = document.getElementById("performancing-addon-list");
- //alert('Checked: ' + temp.selectedIndex );
- //var elementIDName = "li-check-i-" + (temp.selectedIndex + 1);
- var elementIDName = "li-a-check-i-" + itemNum;
- var temp2 = document.getElementById(elementIDName);
- temp2.checked = !temp2.checked;
- //deleteTodoItem(itemNum);
- //var elementIDName2 = "li-" + (temp.selectedIndex + 1);
- var elementIDName2 = "li-a-" + itemNum;
- var temp3 = document.getElementById(elementIDName2);
- if(temp2.checked){
- //window.setTimeout( "hideElement('"+elementIDName2+"')" , 1500, true);
- temp3.setAttribute('class', 'pffAddonBody');
- temp3.setAttribute('enabled', 'true');
- }else{
- temp3.setAttribute('class', '');
- }
- var elementIDName3 = "li-a-enabled-i-" + itemNum;
- var temp4 = document.getElementById(elementIDName3);
- var enabledStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('enabled', []);
- var disabledStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('disabled', []);
- var theSelectedElement = temp2.parentNode.parentNode; //li-a-#
- var isEnabled = enabledStr;
- if(temp2.checked){
- isEnabled = enabledStr;
- pffAddonSkin.enableSelectedAddon(theSelectedElement);
- }else{
- isEnabled = disabledStr;
- pffAddonSkin.disableSelectedAddon(theSelectedElement);
- }
- temp4.setAttribute('label', isEnabled);
- var theDesc = temp3.getAttribute('tooltiptext');
- var descBox = document.getElementById("performancing-addon-desc");
- descBox.value = theDesc;
- document.getElementById("performancing-addon-desc-label").hidden = false;
- descBox.hidden = false;
- }else{ //if other click
- //openWindowIn( true, decodeURI(event.originalTarget.getAttribute('tooltiptext')) );
- }
- }
- //TODO
- pffAddonSkin.onAddonTabClick = function(aTab) {
- var theTabName = aTab.getAttribute("name");
- //theMainDeck.setAttribute('selectedIndex', parseInt(theTabIndex) + 6);
- var theContentname = 'performancing-'+ theTabName +'-content';
- var theDeck = document.getElementById("performancing-main-content-deck");
- for(var i=0; i < theDeck.childNodes.length; i++){
- if(theDeck.childNodes[i].id == theContentname){
- //document.getElementById(theContentname).setAttribute('collapsed', false);
- theDeck.setAttribute('selectedIndex',i);
- gPerformancingUtil.sendAddonInitNotification("performancing-addon-pfftabclick-topic", theTabName);
- }
- }
- }
- //TODO
- //Loads the selected Skin file
- pffAddonSkin.enableSelectedAddon = function(aElement) {
- var theAddonName = aElement.getAttribute("src");
- //Get Pref File
- var isInList = null;
- var theAddonEnabledList = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("addons.enabledlist");
- if(theAddonEnabledList != ""){
- //Make sure it doesn't already exists
- isInList = theAddonEnabledList.match(theAddonName);
- }
- if(isInList == null){
- //Add to Pref list
- theAddonEnabledList = theAddonEnabledList + theAddonName + ",";
- }
- //Set pref
- gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setCharPref("addons.enabledlist", theAddonEnabledList);
- //Tell addon to launch
- gPerformancingUtil.sendAddonInitNotification("performancing-addon-pffenable-topic", theAddonName);
- }
- //TODO
- //Loads the selected Skin file
- pffAddonSkin.disableSelectedAddon = function(aElement) {
- var theAddonName = aElement.getAttribute("src");
- //Get Pref file
- var theAddonEnabledList = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("addons.enabledlist");
- //Remove it from the list
- theAddonEnabledList = theAddonEnabledList.replace(theAddonName+",", "");
- //Save pref
- gPerformancingUtil.prefs.setCharPref("addons.enabledlist", theAddonEnabledList);
- gPerformancingUtil.sendAddonInitNotification("performancing-addon-pffdisable-topic", theAddonName);
- }
- pffAddonSkin.checkListForDupe = function( aAddonName ){
- var tempList = this.AddonList;
- for(var i=0; i< tempList.length; i++ ){
- if(tempList[i].id == aAddonName ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- pffAddonSkin.hookInAddon = function( aAddonObject ){
- var theAddonName = aAddonObject.id;
- var theAddonVer = aAddonObject.pffver;
- //Make sure the version is supported
- //alert("gPerformancingVersion: " + gPerformancingVersion + " theAddonVer: " + theAddonVer);
- var isSupportedVer = (gPerformancingVersion.match(/(\d\.\d)/)[0] - String(theAddonVer).match(/(\d\.\d)/)[0] >=0 );
- if(isSupportedVer){
- //Add to population list
- //make sure it's not already added
- var isAlreadyThere = this.checkListForDupe(theAddonName);
- if(!isAlreadyThere){
- this.AddonList.push( {name: aAddonObject.name, version: aAddonObject.version, description: aAddonObject.description, author: aAddonObject.author, id: aAddonObject.id, pffver: aAddonObject.pffver} );
- }
- //Check if it's in the white list.
- var isInList = null;
- var theAddonEnabledList = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("addons.enabledlist");
- if(theAddonEnabledList != ""){
- //Make sure it doesn't already exists
- isInList = theAddonEnabledList.match(theAddonName + ",");
- }
- // if so, enable and return true, else false
- //isInList = true;
- if(isInList != null){
- var theAddonTab = document.getElementById("performancing-addons-tab");
- theAddonTab.hidden = false;
- pffAddonSkin.doAddonEnabling(aAddonObject);
- }
- }else{
- //alert("Wrong version of " + theAddonName);
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.doAddonEnabling = function( aAddonObject ){
- var aAddonName = aAddonObject.id;
- //Enable the Tab
- document.getElementById('performancing-'+ aAddonName +'-tab').setAttribute('collapsed', false);
- aAddonObject.hookIntoPFF(true);
- }
- pffAddonSkin.doAddonDisabling = function( aAddonObject ){
- var aAddonName = aAddonObject.id;
- //Enable the Tab
- document.getElementById('performancing-'+ aAddonName +'-tab').setAttribute('collapsed', true);
- aAddonObject.hookIntoPFF(false);
- }
- pffAddonSkin.enableAnAddonCallback = function( aAddonObject, aName ){
- gPerformancingUtil.printLog("Enable aAddonObject.name: " + aAddonObject.name + "\naName: " + aName);
- //Double check
- if(aAddonObject.id == aName){
- //Enable this addon
- pffAddonSkin.hookInAddon(aAddonObject);
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.disableAnAddonCallback = function( aAddonObject, aName ){
- gPerformancingUtil.printLog("Disable aAddonObject.name: " + aAddonObject.name + "\naName: " + aName);
- //Double check
- if(aAddonObject.id == aName){
- //Enable this addon
- pffAddonSkin.doAddonDisabling(aAddonObject);
- }
- }
- //li-a-0
- pffAddonSkin.loadAddonList = function( ){
- var theListArr = this.AddonList;
- var theWhiteList = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("addons.enabledlist");
- if(!this.loadedAddonList){
- if(theListArr.length > 0){
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-addon-list');
- for(var i=0; i < theListArr.length; i++){
- var enabled = false;
- if( theWhiteList.match(theListArr[i].id + ",") != null ){
- enabled = true;
- }//name version description author id
- this.loadSkinAddonList("addon", 'performancing-addon-list',
- i, theListArr[i].description, theListArr[i].name, theListArr[i].author,
- theListArr[i].id, enabled, "");
- }
- this.loadedAddonList = true;
- }
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************
- *********** Common (skin & addon) Functions *******************
- ***************************************************************/
- pffAddonSkin.onTabSwitch = function(aTab) {
- var theId = aTab.selectedItem.id;
- if(theId == "performancing-tab-skin"){
- pffAddonSkin.openAndLoadXMLFile('skin');
- }else if(theId == "performancing-tab-addons"){
- pffAddonSkin.loadAddonList();
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.loadAddonTabs = function(aTab) {
- var theAddonBox = document.getElementById("performancing-navbar-tabs-addons");
- var theToggle = Boolean(theAddonBox.hidden);
- theAddonBox.hidden = !theToggle;
- var theAddonEnabledList = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("addons.enabledlist");
- if(theAddonEnabledList == ""){
- //Open the settings tab
- performancingUI.onLeftSidebarTabSelect('settings');
- var settingsTabs = document.getElementById("pff-addon-tabbox");
- settingsTabs.selectedIndex = 2
- }
- }
- //File Picker
- pffAddonSkin.filePicker = function() {
- const nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
- var fp = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
- .createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
- fp.init(window, "Dialog Title", nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
- fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll | nsIFilePicker.filterText);
- var rv = fp.show();
- if (rv == nsIFilePicker.returnOK){
- var file = fp.file;
- //var fileName = file.leafName;
- return file;
- }else{
- return null;
- }
- }
- // On tab select, if we havn't loaded it yet, load the list
- // aService = 'addon' | 'skin'
- pffAddonSkin.loadSkinAddonList = function(aService, listIDname, aNumber, aDesc, aName, aAuthor, aSRC, isEnabled, aLdDef) {
- var list = document.getElementById(listIDname);
- var item = document.createElement('listitem');
- item.setAttribute('tooltiptext', aDesc);
- item.setAttribute('enabled', isEnabled);
- item.setAttribute('class', "pffAddonBody");
- item.setAttribute('src', aSRC);
- item.setAttribute('lddef', aLdDef);
- //item.setAttribute('name', aName);
- //item.setAttribute('author', aAuthor);
- //Now done with an XBL binding
- var itemCell = document.createElement('listcell');
- //Same for both
- var itemCell2 = document.createElement('listcell');
- itemCell2.setAttribute('label', aAuthor);
- itemCell2.setAttribute('crop', 'right');
- itemCell2.setAttribute('class', "addonAuth");
- if(aService == "addon"){
- item.setAttribute('id', 'li-a-' + aNumber);
- item.setAttribute('onclick', "pffAddonSkin.onAddonListClick(event, '" + aNumber + "')");
- var itemCell3 = document.createElement('listcell');
- var checkbox = document.createElement('checkbox');
- var label = document.createElement('label');
- checkbox.setAttribute('id', 'li-a-check-i-' + aNumber);
- checkbox.setAttribute('crop', 'false');
- checkbox.setAttribute('class', 'pffAddonCheck');
- checkbox.setAttribute('checked', isEnabled);
- label.setAttribute('value', aName);
- itemCell.appendChild(checkbox);
- itemCell.appendChild(label);
- itemCell3.setAttribute('id', 'li-a-enabled-i-' + aNumber);
- itemCell3.setAttribute('crop', 'right');
- var theStr = "";
- if(isEnabled){
- theStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('enabled', []);
- }else{
- theStr = performancingUI.getLocaleString('disabled', []);
- }
- itemCell3.setAttribute('label', theStr);
- }else{
- itemCell.setAttribute('label', aName);
- itemCell.setAttribute('crop', 'right');
- itemCell.setAttribute('class', "addonName");
- item.setAttribute('id', 'li-s-' + aNumber);
- item.setAttribute('onclick', "pffAddonSkin.onSkinListClick(this, event, '" + aNumber + "')");
- }
- item.appendChild(itemCell);
- item.appendChild(itemCell2);
- if(aService == "addon"){
- item.appendChild(itemCell3);
- }
- //Append the elements
- list.appendChild(item);
- }
- // aService = 'addon' | 'skin'
- pffAddonSkin.getXMLFile = function() {
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD");
- file.append("performancing");
- //file.append("skins");
- file.append("pffaddons.xml");
- return file;
- }
- pffAddonSkin.deleteItemFromXML = function(aSRC) {
- var file = this.getXMLFile();
- if(file.exists()){
- var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8");
- var theXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- var indexToDelete = theXML..entry.(src==aSRC).childIndex();
- var didDelete = delete theXML..entry[indexToDelete];
- var isSaved = this.saveContentsToFile( file, theXML.toString() );
- return (didDelete && isSaved) ;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- pffAddonSkin.deleteFile = function(aSRC) {
- var theFile = this.getSkinAddonFile(aSRC);
- if( theFile.exists() ){
- PerFormancingFileIO.unlink(theFile);
- }else{
- //alert("Couldn't delete file");
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.deleteDir = function(aSRC) {
- var theFile = this.getSkinAddonDir(aSRC);
- var dirName = aSRC.split(".");
- theFile.append(dirName[0]);
- if( theFile.exists() ){
- if(theFile.isDirectory()){
- PerFormancingDirIO.unlink(theFile, true); //true => recursive
- }
- }
- }
- pffAddonSkin.openAndLoadXMLFile = function(aService) {
- var file = this.getXMLFile();
- if(file.exists()){
- var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8");
- var theXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- var allTheAddons = null;
- if(aService=="addon"){
- allTheAddons = theXML.addons;
- }else{
- allTheAddons = theXML.skins;
- }
- //gGlobalPerFormancingAddons = theXML;
- var theLastSkinURI = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.skinuri");
- //var theLastSkinLdDef = gPerformancingUtil.prefs.getCharPref("settings.lastselected.lddef");
- if(allTheAddons.children().length() > 0){
- gPerformancingUtil.clearListOut('performancing-'+aService+'-list');
- for(var j = 0; j < allTheAddons.children().length(); j++){
- var entryDesc = allTheAddons.entry[j].desc.toString();
- var entryName = allTheAddons.entry[j].name.toString();
- var entryAuthor = allTheAddons.entry[j].author.toString();
- //entryDate = allTheAddons.entry[j].date.toString();
- var entrySRC = allTheAddons.entry[j].src.toString();
- var setLdDef = allTheAddons.entry[j].defaulton.toString();
- //alert("entrySRC: " + entrySRC + "\ntheLastSkinURI: " + theLastSkinURI);
- var isEntryEnabled = "false";
- if(theLastSkinURI == entrySRC){
- isEntryEnabled = "true";
- }else{
- isEntryEnabled = "false";
- }
- this.loadSkinAddonList(aService, 'performancing-' + aService + '-list', j, entryDesc, entryName, entryAuthor, entrySRC, isEntryEnabled, setLdDef)
- }
- }
- }else{
- //alert("No XML file");//TEMP
- }
- }
- // Here we save the XML data and create it if it doesn't exist
- // aService = 'addon' | 'skin'
- pffAddonSkin.saveXMLFile = function(aService, theDesc, theName, theAuthor, isDefaultOn, theSRC, isEnabled, aType ) {
- var file = this.getXMLFile();
- var theXMLFile = null;
- var theAddonXML = null;
- var theDateAdded = bfXMLRPC.iso8601Format( new Date() );
- var didOverWrite = false;
- var isSaved = false;
- //Doesn't exist, so let's create it.
- if(!file.exists()){
- //dump('Creating file: ' + bloglistxmlfile + "\n");
- var defName = "Default";
- var defDesc = "PFF's Default Theme";
- var defAuthor = "Performancing, Inc.";
- var defSRC = "_default_";
- var defDate = "20060711T22:19:53";
- var defEnable = "true";
- theAddonXML = <addonlist>
- <skins>
- <entry>
- <name>{defName}</name>
- <desc>{defDesc}</desc>
- <author>{defAuthor}</author>
- <src>{defSRC}</src>
- <date>{defDate}</date>
- <enabled>{defEnable}</enabled>
- <defaulton>{isDefaultOn}</defaulton>
- <type>{aType}</type>
- </entry>
- </skins>
- <addons />
- </addonlist>;
- PerFormancingFileIO.create(file);
- isSaved = this.saveContentsToFile( file, theAddonXML.toString() );
- }
- if(file.exists()){
- var theXMLFile = PerFormancingFileIO.open(file.path);
- var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(theXMLFile, "UTF-8");
- var theAddonXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- //The Content for each Blog
- if(aService == "skin"){
- var itExists = theAddonXML.skins.entry.(src == theSRC);
- if(itExists != undefined){
- //We need to replace the values
- itExists.name = theName;
- itExists.desc = theDesc;
- itExists.author = theAuthor;
- itExists.src = theSRC;
- itExists.date = theDateAdded;
- itExists.enabled = isEnabled;
- itExists.defaulton = isDefaultOn;
- itExists.type = aType;
- didOverWrite = true;
- }else{ //Add a new one
- theAddonXML.skins.entry +=
- <entry>
- <name>{theName}</name>
- <desc>{theDesc}</desc>
- <author>{theAuthor}</author>
- <src>{theSRC}</src>
- <date>{theDateAdded}</date>
- <enabled>{isEnabled}</enabled>
- <defaulton>{isDefaultOn}</defaulton>
- <type>{aType}</type>
- </entry>;
- }
- }else if(aService == "addon"){
- var itExists = theAddonXML.addons.entry.(src== theSRC)
- if(itExists != undefined){
- //We need to replace the values
- itExists.name = theName;
- itExists.desc = theDesc;
- itExists.author = theAuthor;
- itExists.src = theSRC;
- itExists.date = theDateAdded;
- itExists.enabled = isEnabled;
- itExists.defaulton = isDefaultOn;
- itExists.type = aType;
- didOverWrite = true;
- }else{ //Add a new one
- theAddonXML.addons.entry +=
- <entry>
- <name>{theName}</name>
- <desc>{theDesc}</desc>
- <author>{theAuthor}</author>
- <src>{theSRC}</src>
- <date>{theDateAdded}</date>
- <enabled>{isEnabled}</enabled>
- <type>{aType}</type>
- </entry>;
- }
- }
- //Write to file (save changes)
- isSaved = this.saveContentsToFile( file, theAddonXML.toString() );
- }
- //Report if the file was saved
- if(isSaved){
- return didOverWrite;
- }else{
- return null;
- }
- }
- // TODO
- // Send this to the UTIL Library
- pffAddonSkin.saveContentsToFile = function(aFile, aContents){
- var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(aFile, aContents, "w", "UTF-8");
- if(!newWrite) {
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []);
- alert(localeString);
- return false;
- }else{
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- pffAddonSkin.getSkinAddonDir = function(aFileLeaf){
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD");
- file.append("performancing");
- if( aFileLeaf.match(".css") ){
- file.append("skins");
- }else{
- file.append("addons");
- }
- return file;
- }
- pffAddonSkin.getSkinAddonFile = function(aFileLeaf){
- var file = pffAddonSkin.getSkinAddonDir(aFileLeaf);
- file.append(aFileLeaf);
- return file;
- }
- // nsIZipReader
- // A good example of it's use can be found in the Extension Manager
- pffAddonSkin.getZipReaderForFile = function(zipFile){
- try {
- var zipReader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIZipReader);
- zipReader.init(zipFile);
- zipReader.open();
- }
- catch (e) {
- zipReader.close();
- return false;;
- }
- return zipReader;
- }
- //For dragging and droping onto the Skin Window (not the input box)
- var pffCSSDragDropHandler = {
- onDragOver: function(aEvent, aFlavour, aSession){
- //Foobar
- },
- onDrop: function(aEvent, aTransferData, aSession){
- //aTransferData.first.first.data => gives URL
- //.first.first.flavour.contentType => text/x-moz-url
- if (aTransferData.first.first.data != "") {
- var theFile = aTransferData.first.first.data;
- if(theFile.leafName.match(".css")){
- pffAddonSkin.handleTheFile( theFile );
- }else if(theFile.leafName.match(".zip") || theFile.leafName.match(".jar")){
- pffAddonSkin.handleSkinZip(theFile);
- }
- }
- },
- onDragExit: function(aEvent, aSession) {
- //foobar
- },
- getSupportedFlavours: function(){
- var flavours = new FlavourSet();
- flavours.appendFlavour("application/x-moz-file", "nsIFile");
- return flavours;
- },
- canHandleMultipleItems: function(){
- return false;
- }
- };
- //Object inherited by Addons
- function pffaddonObject( aName, aVersion, aDescription, aAuthor, aId, aPffVer ) {
- this.addonEnabled = false;
- //this.theAddon = aAddon;
- this.name = aName;
- this.version = aVersion;
- this.description = aDescription;
- this.author = aAuthor;
- this.id = aId;
- this.pffver = aPffVer;
- }
- pffaddonObject.prototype = {
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){
- var doHook = false;
- try{
- if (aTopic == "performancing-addon-pffstart-topic") {
- pffAddonSkin.hookInAddon( this );
- }else if (aTopic == "performancing-addon-pffenable-topic") {
- if(this.id == aData){
- pffAddonSkin.enableAnAddonCallback( this, aData );
- }
- }else if (aTopic == "performancing-addon-pffdisable-topic") {
- if(this.id == aData){
- pffAddonSkin.disableAnAddonCallback( this, aData );
- }
- }else if (aTopic == "performancing-addon-pfftabclick-topic") {
- //alert("dude this.id: " + this.id + "\naData: " + aData + "\naTopic: " + aTopic);
- if(this.id == aData){
- this.onThisTabClick();
- }else{
- }
- }
- }catch(e){}
- },
- hookIntoPFF: function(doHook){
- if(doHook){
- gPerformancingUtil.printLog('PFF Addon Template Enabled');
- this.addonEnabled = true;
- this.onPFFLoad();
- }else{
- this.addonEnabled = false;
- }
- },
- init: function(){
- },
- onPFFLoad: function(){
- },
- onThisTabClick: function(){
- }
- }